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Collecting the pieces

Wait… you’re kidding right?! This was my thought when I sat in a certification program at The Flourishing Center in New York being taught by Emiliya Zhivotovskaya,  who had just told me that you could change the neuroplasticity of your brain in 8 weeks… I was in the middle of a midlife sea change. No I hadn’t gotten a divorce, or had to deal with a death or drugs or abuse but somehow my lifeboat was adrift and I was having a hell of a time finding the shore and feeling pretty stupid about it.  I had a life of plenty and was feeling empty.  Poor little Princess.  “You have two good arms, two good legs and plenty to eat” so my Mothers mantra went, “Now find something useful to do”...  Indeed...  But first, about that brain thing…


I have made cards of one sort or another for about 25 years, starting soon after the birth of my first son and continuing right up until today.  I discovered the practice of SoulCollage® by attending a workshop at the Esalen Institute in CA and had the good fortune of being introduced to this practice by Mariabruna Sirabella who worked closely with the founder Seena B. Frost. (Seena has since passed away passing the mantel of her work in large part to Mariabruna an excellent steward)  SoulCollage® is increasingly finding its way into the mainstream of society globally, now at a virtually exponential rate. SoulCollage® stands on its own as a powerful vehicle for self-inquiry understanding and healing.  It is learned and practiced in 23 countries throughout the world by over 3,500 facilitators. Once an individual creates a deck of 5x8 collaged cards (using images from magazines, books, cards etc.) that is uniquely their own the many ways to use it become evident through guided practices by trained facilitators of which I am one.  Useful. Yes. But for me not completely fulfilling in itself.    

  After SoulCollage® I was drawn to Resilience Training and studied with Maria Sirois from The Wholebeing Institute in CA.  Another piece of me clicked into place and after this particular course the seas calmed and I could at least see the shore which seemed to have Positive Psychology as its most prominent building.  Positive Psychology, is I believe at the root of creating a well lived life.  So - more school and the discovery that you actually can teach an old dog new tricks. I attained a Certification in Applied Positive Psychology (CAPP).  and quickly became a member of ACEP (Association of Comprehensive Energy Psychology)  learning new techniques for dealing with trauma (EFT, MBSR).   I am honored to be able to act as a guide for those individuals who want to discover and explore their true direction using SoulCollage®, Resiliency techniques and Positive Psychology precepts.   In my classes I now use pieces of all of these practices in the creation of SoulCollage® cards in one of the four suits.  If you go to the cards page you will see some cards created by participants in some of my classes, workshops and my personal deck.   

    Since receiving my certification in Applied Positive Psychology and Resilience Training I have found further complimentary work with those aspects of ourselves that many do not want to face.  Sometimes called Shadow parts I find these the most interesting of all and working with Debbie Ford has convinced me that the way through is to accept and work with ALL parts of yourself which is made easier using SoulCollage®.  It is fascinating and fun.  I have yet to meet an individual who does not benefit from the journey this work enables.  Looking forward to meeting you!

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