Community Suit Class
$35 single class
$25 as part of a 3 or more class series
Committee Suit Class
$35 single class
$25 as part of a 3 or more class series
Companion Suit Class
$35 single class
$25 as part of a 3 or more class series
Council Suit Class
$35 single class
$25 as part of a 3 or more class series
~ To run a SoulCollage® class I need to have at least four participants
~ A 50% non-refundable, non-transferable deposit is due at the time of registration.
~ Deposits are payable with a check or cash.
~ Deposits save your place and ensures that the class will run.
~ If I have not received your deposit 2 weeks in advance of the class, I will email a reminder.
~ If I cancel the class for other reasons, I will return your deposit. Or you can choose to transfer the deposit to another class.
~ My address is below.
~ Thank you for your understanding in this matter.
Registration Policies for SoulCollage® Class
I spend considerable time organizing, planning, preparing, and executing a SoulCollage® class. To ensure viability, I need to have four participants to run a class. There are often cancellations, which bring class totals to less than four participants. In order to guarantee that a class takes place, I have established registration policies for attending class. Here they are:
~ To run a SoulCollage® class I need to have at least four participants
~ A 50% non-refundable, non-transferable deposit is due at the time of registration.
~ Deposits are payable with a check or cash.
~ Deposits save your place and ensures that the class will run.
~ If I have not received your deposit 2 weeks in advance of the class, I will email a reminder.
~ If I cancel the class for other reasons, I will return your deposit. Or you can choose to transfer the deposit to another class.
~ My address is below.
~ Thank you for your understanding in this matter.
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Registration Policies for SoulCollage® Class
I spend considerable time organizing, planning, preparing, and executing a SoulCollage® class. To ensure viability, I need to have four participants to run a class. There are often cancellations, which bring class totals to less than four participants. In order to guarantee that a class takes place, I have established the following registration policies:
~ To run a SoulCollage® class I need to have at least four participants
~ A 50% non-refundable, non-transferable deposit is due at the time of registration.
~ Deposits are payable with a check or cash.
~ Deposits save your place and ensures that the class will run.
~ If I have not received your deposit 2 weeks in advance of the class, I will email a reminder.
~ If I cancel the class for other reasons, I will return your deposit. Or you can choose to transfer the deposit to another class.
~ My address is below.
~ Thank you for your understanding in this matter.
I take considerable effort preparing and organizing for my SoulCollage® classes. To ensure viability I need to have a minimum of 4 people to hold a class. I am aware that "life happens" and as a result I have implemented the following policies:
I need four participants for a class to be held and preferrably not more than 12.
Registration saves your place and ensures the class will run. If you need to make two payments deposits can be made Cash, or Check to address below. If class is cancelled due to other reasons (weather, illness) I will refund your deposit or you may transfer it to another class.
Series consists of 2 or more classes and can be started at any time once you have come to an Introduction to SoulCollage® class. Can't get to the First Committee Suit class of the series? No problem, you can Start with the Community, Council or any of the other classes.
Checks/Cash can be sent to: Please include your name, address, email or ph. number where you can be contacted
Zelie Pforzheimer in the event the class is cancelled.
199 Hurlbutt Street Questions:
Wilton, CT 06897
Series of 3 classes Intro and 2 Suit classes
(save $20) $85
Series of 4 classes Intro and 3 Suit classes
(save $30) $110
Complete Series Intro and 4 Suit classes
(save $50) $125
Series of 2 suit classes (save $20) $50
Series of 3 Suit Classes (save $30) $75
Series of 4 Suit Classes (save $40) $100
Intro to SoulCollage®.